The human body has 7 primary energy centers on the body called "Chakras". Each energy center has a unique responsibility for processing certain feelings and emotions. For instance, if your 1st Chakra is blocked, you might experience feelings of disconnection, lack of stability and personal power, low self-esteem and a general feeling of isolation from others. The Chakras can be cleared, balanced and activated simply by listening and toning with certain sound frequencies.
Through a process called "Voice Analysis" we listen to your speaking voice with a sound tuning device. From our analysis, we are able determine which frequencies are currently active within your energy field and which ones are not. Ideally, if all the Chakras are active and functioning properly, then all 12 tones in the musical scale will vibrate in your energy field with some level of consistency.
The 12 tones are: C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, Bb & B.
Generally, we find that each person has certain tones that are under-active within the body's energy field and other tones that are over-active. This is quite normal due to our day-to-day experience of slower vibrating frequencies such as: stress, anxiety, sadness, anger and other negative emotions.
If we experience negative emotions over a prolonged period of time (without processing them) then they sit in the body’s energetic field and form density. This results in slowing down the energetic frequencies of the Chakras, making it harder for them to physically function and/or process feelings and emotions as they occur. If you ever notice yourself becoming overly upset from something minor, this is a likely result of a chakra imbalance.
Tones Correlating Chakras
B/Bb 7th Chakra - Crown: Violet/Purple
(Spiritual Connectedness, Oneness)
A#/A 6th Chakra - Brow: Indigo
(Intuition, Vision, Wisdom)
G#/G 5th Chakra - Throat: Blue
(Communication, Self- Expression)
F#/F 4th Chakra - Heart: Green
(Feelings of Love & Connectedness)
E 3rd Chakra – Solar Plexus: Yellow
(Energy & Vitality)
D#/D 2nd Chakra – Spleen: Orange
(Prosperity, Creativity, Libido)
C#/C 1st Chakra – Root: Red
(Groundedness, Stability, Personal Power)
After A Voice Analysis Chart is completed a Sound Therapy CD is provided to bring your energy back into balance. CD is listened to while you are sleeping.
(Your Voice Analysis Chart is recorded via telephone